2008 m. lapkričio 12 d., trečiadienis

Analytical summary

Robert S. Feldman
Sleep and Dreams

In the module “Sleep and Dreams” Robert S. Feldman introduces our states of consciousness during sleep. Author explains different stages of sleep, dreams theories and sleep disturbances.

Firstly, Feldman describes four stages of sleep and gives short definitions. Furthermore, the writer explains REM sleep and gives some charts. What is more, author mentions sleep deprivation and its consequences.

Secondly, the writer argues about the function and meaning of dreaming. Moreover, Feldman describes three major theories of dreams and talks about it quite broadly.

Thirdly, author introduces main sleep disturbances. After this, the writer discusses circadian rhythms and gives graphic view of human body changes over every 24-hour period. Furthermore, Feldman describes daydreams and gives some advice to avoid insomnia.

Finally, Feldman’s main idea is to explore major information on sleep and dreams.

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